Job Satisfaction


I stumbled onto a recent study / resource by the VIA Institute of Character, a non-profit organization committed to advancing the science and practice of character.  ” VIA is an organization that aims to fill the world with greater virtue—i.e. greater levels of wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. It does so by helping individuals learn about character strengths and how to apply them to their personal pursuits and relationships to achieve greater life satisfaction, social good, and actualization of potential.”

Their theory is “Knowing your personal character strengths — what’s best about you as a human being — is powerful knowledge that can be used to reach your full potential with your work, your family and your relationships.”

I took their test – it took about 10 minutes and I found it to be very accurate.  You can receive the basic results for free – and if you want to spend $20 you can receive a more expanded report with recommendations.  Go here for the free test.